Tuesday, April 11, 2006
"The essence of the issue is this. Climate changes naturally all the time, partly in predictable cycles, and partly in unpredictable shorter rhythms and rapid episodic shifts, some of the causes of which remain unknown. We are fortunate that our modern societies have developed during the last 10,000 years of benignly warm, interglacial climate. But for more than 90 per cent of the last two million years, the climate has been colder, and generally much colder, than today. The reality of the climate record is that a sudden natural cooling is far more to be feared, and will do infinitely more social and economic damage, than the late 20th century phase of gentle warming."
Global Warming is a myth?
• Prof Bob Carter is a geologist at James Cook University, Queensland, engaged in paleoclimate research
Global Warming is a myth?
• Prof Bob Carter is a geologist at James Cook University, Queensland, engaged in paleoclimate research
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